A Virtual World Arena
for playing
The Wizard’s Crystal
This is a prototype exploratory project developed
for creating an immersive experience for gameplayers.
Once you have registered an Offical OpenSim Avatar (e.g. DAG Avatar) you can HyperGrid Hop to the following URI.
HyperGrid URI: http://twc.outworldz.net:8002
DAG on the XTALENT Grid was replicated in 2022 on Outworldz DreamGrid and expanded to feature two public regions.
Enter either one of the two following regions (DAG or TWC) in the Firestorm log-in box:

Hypergrid URL | Region Name | Region | Status | Metaverse |
http://twc.outworldz.net:8002 | DAG | Digital Art Gallery Clone | In development | DreamGrid |
TWC | The Wizard’s Crystal Game | In development | DreamGrid | |
Once you are inworld you can teleport to anywhere on either region via World Map (Ctrl+M).