
The Cards:

There are TEN different types of power card that may be used in the game.

Levitate [To Nearest Red] – This card will allow its player to move any player token from a Violet, Blue, Green or Yellow position to its nearest unoccupied Red position.
This Red position is the one which involves fewer steps to reach along the pathway – in either direction – from that token’s original position. If the token’s original position is Violet then either of two adjacent Red positions may be chosen as the destination – providing each is unoccupied – since each Red position lies four steps away from Violet. This card cannot be used to move a token from one Red position to another Red position.

Flight [Red to Red] – This card allows its player to move any player token from one Red position to any other unoccupied Red position.
This card cannot be used to move a player token from a Violet, Blue, Green or Yellow position to a Red position. This card may be used to position two player tokens on Red positions that lie directly opposite each other across the board – thereby allowing combat to begin between the two opponents. Players may need to be Levitated to Red positions first if they are on Violet, Blue, Green or Yellow positions before you can force them into Combat.

Teleport [Violet to Violet] – This card allows its player to move any player token from one Violet position to any other unoccupied Violet position. It cannot be used to move a player token from a Blue, Green, Yellow or Red position to a Violet position. Since a player must return Home with THREE rings to win the game, this card improves a player’s chances of achieving that goal.

Void [Cancel Power & Protect] – This card cancels the last power card played and protects its player from ANY cardplay until that player has again had the opportunity of rolling the die. (eg. It cancels a Weapon card and effectively ends Combat.)

NB. A Void card may be cancelled by another Void card!

Aurablast, Thunderbolt and Fireball Weapons and Shields [Combat Cards]

Weapons and Shields are used in Combat. If a player plays a Weapon card during Combat the opponent must cancel it with either the matching Shield card or a Void card. If the opponent is unable to defend in either way then one ring in that player’s possession goes to the player who played the Weapon card. Further cardplay is permitted if Combat is not yet over, for whatever reason.

Important: The deck of cards supplied with the game also includes two (2) blank cards which may be used to replace any lost or damaged cards. Alternatively, players may elect to use these cards as Wildcards (ie. represent any power) or design their own power card for use in their games. This latter choice means that the game is slightly different wherever you might happen to play it as different people have different ideas about possible alternate powers.
