The 30 million year old lava domes of an extinct shield volcano in Queensland provide cool refuge for the largest stand of ancient cone-bearing Araucarias in the world today. More than nine different types of rainforest exist in this extremely biodiverse sanctuary, interspersed with open forests, woodlands and hundreds of ‘balds’, or pockets of open native grasslands. Once food for dinosaurs, the large pine-apple shaped fleshy bunya pine cones contain edible ‘nuts’ that were the focus of traditional aboriginal festivals. Custodians from Queensland and New South Wales would regularly gather for ceremonies, to make laws, resolve disputes, trade and feast. Step back in time from the Dandabah camping ground and enter the ‘fridge’ that exists atop the Bunya Mountains (Booburrgan Ngmmun) due to the tall closed canopy of ancient rainforest on the eastern slopes. Penetrate the barrier of prickly shrubs, vines and stinging trees to discover dark forests pierced by stabbing rays of light.
1199 Images | 102 Minutes
Featuring Tjupurru on seismic didjeridu (didjeribone)
Visuals Copyright Duncan Waddell 2006 | Audio Copyright Adrian Fabila 2006