This site is a launchpad for a number of diverse passions I now pursue in my spare time. Have a thorough look around at what there is on offer.
DAG – The Digital Art Gallery in the Metaverse
For Artists and Art Lovers
This is a prototype exploratory project begun in 2020 for creating an immersive Metaverse experience for visitors to an Art Gallery and using it as a tool for Exhibition Designers to Collate, Create and Curate new exhibitions.
Please feel free to use the available resources to inspire your own creations, but always respect the copyright owners.
Submissions from Artists and Collectors who wish to share are encouraged during the ongoing development.
Important: DAG is not endorsed by QAG, the gallery that inspired DAG.
BE Personalise your Avatar | CREATE Produce Digital Art | CURATE Design your Exhibition | SHOW Present your Art | TELL Chat to Others | SELL Make A Deal |
Visitors may explore the Digital Art Gallery (DAG) as an Avatar in a Password Protected Virtual World.
Face Masks and Social Distancing are not required “in-world” and you can even FLY.

The Digital Art Gallery is suitable for children.
They must, however, be supervised at all times in real life by an adult.
XTALENT Grid was founded in 2020 on The Dreamland Metaverse and features a public region that alternates between DAG and an evolving version of “The Wizard’s Crystal” game when requested.
For those already exploring the Metaverse with an OpenSim Avatar, here is the HyperGrid URI.
HyperGrid URI:
For those of you who don’t yet have an identity on the Metaverse, once you Register a DAG Avatar you are free to explore many hundreds of regions on the HyperGrid.
SIX SIMPLE STEPS TO FOLLOW | 1. Select a DAG Avatar and Signup |
USE THIS MENU TO LAUNCH EACH STEP | 2. Confirm your Form Submission |
Each step will open in a separate window. | 3. Download and Install Firestorm Viewer Software |
Close separate window when that step is completed. | 4. Configure the Firestorm Viewer for DAG |
5. Log In to DAG with the Firestorm Viewer | |
6. Wiki for the Firestorm Viewer |
Login URI:
Check on the stats to see the current status of the grid in a separate window:
This SIM is currently limited to a Maximum of 40 concurrent users.
It is always open so please try again shortly if DAG reaches capacity.
DAG is using the Latest stable OpenSim version and supports the following OpenSim Features:
This option allows detailed user profiles: about text, interests, picks, classifieds, real life text and notes about users.
Groups are used for a certain purpose for groups of people. Groups can be used to mainly distribute information within an interest group (instant messages or group notices). Or a group is used to control editing permissions for parcels of land or of objects. Groups can be open or closed. Closed groups do not allow users to add their self to a group.
3D Meshes
With viewers that support 3D meshes, you can upload these in the Colada format (*.dae) and use them for objects and avatars. This functionality works with some minor restrictions; e.g. file size must be 8MB or less for objects for them to import correctly. Sclupted Prims (Sculpts) and XML file object imports are also supported.
Vivox Voice
Vivox voice offers good voice quality and all important voice features (speaker indication, spacial sound, etc.).
Features supported by Vivox voice:
- Public voice chat (two or more participants)
- Private voice chat (two or more participants)
- Spacial sound (volume attenuation based on distance)
- Push-to-Talk
- Individual volume
- Mute controls
- Speaker indication (who has voice and who is currently speaking)
- Lip sync and voice gestures (viewer functionality)
- No premium voice features (moderator functions, voice morphing, etc.)
Be aware, that there is no service level guaranteed for this free Vivox voice service. There is no guarantee for the functionality, capacity and availability of this service.
HyperGrid is a techology that allows teleport between different OpenSim grids and standalone regions. Both the originating and destination regions must have HyperGrid enabled. For HyperGrid teleports the destination’s HyperGrid URL is specified as region name.
While visiting another virtual world, users take their appearance with them and they can access their inventory. The only restriction is that inventory items can only be deleted at the home grid. People can go shopping at other grids, unless the grid owner of that grid has disabled copying assets. Some grid owners do that to protect local contents from being transferred to other places.
For me information about using HyperGrid read the FAQ article How to do a HyperGrid Teleport.
Offline Messages
Instant messages to users that are offline are stored. When that user logs in again, these messages get delivered. By default instant messages are not sent to the email address of that user.
OpenSim regions support in-world scripting using the standard XEngine script engine and the LSL scripting language. The YEngine script engine and C# scripting can also be enabled on request. I also provide some Dreamland Metaverse specific scripting extensions.
Search provides a grid wide search function for users, parcels, groups, objects, etc. Such items need to be marked to be included in the search data collection process that runs regularly. This means that some items may appear in search with some delay.
I use dedicated, high performance servers optimized for OpenSim. These professional servers with Intel Quad-Core processors and redundant data storage (RAID) are located at data centers in the US (East and West coast). The servers and data centers provide enough spare computing power, memory and network bandwidth for a top customer experience.
Most competitors use virtualization technologies, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) or Cloud Computing, which are unsuitable for massively computing and memory intensive real time applications like virtual worlds. Or they run many OpenSim regions on the same OpenSim process, to simplify their administrative tasks on the cost of lower service quality and less stability.
With viewers that support web-on-prim, you can use this functionality to display web contents on sides of objects.
Contact me via email – – if you have any queries or problems.